Real stories, real people, real change from the street media center of our nation’s capital: empowering people experiencing homelessness and educating the public since 2003. To help make more podcasts like this happen or more information, visit www.streetsensemedia.org.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Street Sense Says Episode 2: Write at the root: How creativity intersects with community
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
When life leaves people feeling uprooted, sometimes places and spaces that feel like “home” can be especially grounding. For Frederic John, creative communities have helped him hone his craft, express his voice, and find a sense of purpose. As a D.C. native who also lived and worked in New York, he shares his unique take on this city’s historical and cultural evolutions — and on leaving a legacy through art.

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Street Sense Says Episode 1: Who do you think you aren’t?
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
As humans, naturally driven to connect but also to categorize, we sometimes make false assumptions about each other (especially across lines of difference). What does it take to challenge misconceptions about who you are? Or to consciously “break the cycle” and avoid becoming who you don’t want to be? Nikila Smith and Angie Whitehurst share their experiences as learners, lovers, daughters, and mothers – smart, strong, savvy women whose worlds misread them and their experiences of homelessness.

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
In Our Own Voices: Wendell Williams
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Street Sense Media artist/vendor and homelessness advocate, Wendell Williams, shares his experiences as a fifth-generation African American Washingtonian and his insights about the changes the city has seen, his personal experience with chronic homelessness, and his involvement with the street newspaper movement as a means to not only sell or distribute newspapers but as a way to address homelessness on a systemic level. Williams shares his unique perspective on a whole host of related issues from racism to federal funding to the role gentrification has played in exacerbating the homelessness crisis. Williams was interviewed September 16, 2022 fellow Artist/Vendor Aida Peery as part of Street Sense Media’s Oral History Project, “In Our Own Voices: Artist/Vendors 2003-2023.”

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
In Our Own Voices: Amina Washington
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Street Sense Media artist/vendor, Amina Washington, reflects on her experience becoming homeless at the age of 14 and the ensuing years she spent being unhoused. She details her younger years, prior to becoming unhoused after a neighbor reported her father and she was sent to school in Florida. Upon finding Street Sense Media in 2022, she’s been able to utilize their various resources in order to find permanent housing and more financial stability. Additionally, through Steet Sense Media’s class offerings, Amina has been able to develop her skills as a poet. Amina Washington was interviewed October 14, 2022 fellow Artist/Vendor Aida Peery as part of Street Sense Media’s Oral History Project, “In Our Own Voices: Artist/Vendors 2003-2023.”

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
In Our Own Words: Rochelle Walker
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Rochelle Walker, a Street Sense Media artist/vendor, shares her story about growing up in Washington, DC, going to Morgan State University and University of the District of Columbia for her associate’s degree in Early Childhood Development. She discusses how she worked in early childhood care for over 20 years, before becoming unemployed due to the pandemic. She lost her longtime housing, after her building was condemned. She found out about Street Sense Media through another vendor and has been working with the organization steadily since then. She also shares how So Others May Eat (SOME) helped her secure housing, once her building was condemned. You can watch Walker at Artshow 2022 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MytjSSeZhFE. She's on at 6:13. Walker was interviewed September 15, 2022 by fellow Artist/Vendor Jacqueline Turner as part of Street Sense Media’s Oral History Project, “In Our Own Voices: Artist/Vendors 2003-2023.”

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
In Our Own Voices: Martin Walker
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Street Sense Media artist/vendor Martin Walker shares his history, growing up in Washington, DC and Landover, MD. He details how he learned about Street Sense Media when he was living in a men’s shelter, as well as his increasing involvement with the organization over the last 17 years. Walker has not only worked as a vendor, but has been both a vendor trainer, as well as the vendor manager. He also was the first vendor to serve on the Street Sense Media Board of Directors. Walker also details the precarious economic situations felt by many that lead to homelessness, as was the case in his situation. Walker was interviewed October 13, 2022 fellow Artist/Vendor Aida Peery as part of Street Sense Media’s Oral History Project, “In Our Own Voices: Artist/Vendors 2003-2023.”